On 22-Apr-2016 with the theme of “Trees for Earth” in association with MG Raghuram officer of Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Deputy officer Shri Manjunatha, Project Assistant Kumari Shruti, Kumari Himabindu, Sri Rajasekhar Reserve Bank of India, Shri Thakur Desai General Manager Larson and Toubro Mysore, DGM Shri MK Vatsav, AGM Shri Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Manager Giridhar, Shri Nitin Paul Business Manager of Hindustan Lever Limited, Shri Manjunatha Assistant Manager, Shri Atri SHE with the cooperation of all of them, Shri Rajaguru Jnana Jagruthi Organization ® planted 140 plants in the premises of Bharathi Old Age Home Vidyaranyapuram and Nalanda School and served the breakfast.
Plants were distributed to create awareness in children, they were also educated about medicinal plant details and its significant uses, how to turn potentially deadly wastes into hand-baggage. This helped to create awareness about the environment and nature.