Shri Rajaguru Gnana Jagruthi ® had organized The World Earth Day celebration from 23-04-2022 to 24-04-2022 with “Chiguru” summer camp (16th year) students in association with Chittara Pratishtana, Pilaru Darandabagilu and N. S. S. Friends. 65 students from different schools were part of this summer camp.
On 23-04-2022, the Vice President of the organization, Yamini AJ, member Nayan Kumar, volunteer Bharat and others, distributed drawing books and crayons to all students and organized drawing competition with theme of environment. 3 best drawings were awarded. A short film about the environment was shown using projector. Children were told about environmental pollution by depicting what the environment should look like but how it is now. As per this year's slogan, "Invest In Our Planet", 3 plants which grows into bigger trees were planted in the campus of the Kumpala Government School, along with the students. Children were told about the importance of planting.
On 24-04-2022, everyone was blessed with the presence of Sri Rajaguru Maharaj, Sri Rajaguru Mahasamsthana Gopalpura, Mysore. Addressing the children, Shri Rajaguru Maharaj blessed the children and advised the importance of nature and wished them a bright future. Director of the camp Mr. Nagappa Panolibailu, the co-director of the camp, Mr. Naveen Pilar, the secretary of the camp Mr. Sunil Attavar, and member of the camp Mr. Panduranga Acharya, had been given plants.