On 4-6-2022, Sri Rajaguru Gnana Jagruthi Samsthe ® organized an environmental protection awareness program as part of World Environment Day celebration at Karnataka Public School, Montepadavu in collaboration with Prithvi Eco Club. The organization awarded plants to the winners of the plant seed identification competition conducted by Prithvi Eco Club. In the school garden, saplings were planted not only by members of the organization but also by students themselves. And the steps to nurture the plants were also told. School Vice Principal Mr. Santosh Kumar, Nodal Officer of Prithvi Eco Club Mrs. Chanchalakshi, Vishant, and other teachers, Sri Rajaguru Gnana Jagruthi Samsthe® Vice President Yamini AJ, member Nayan Kumar KR, volunteer Bharatesh were present in the program.