On 30/01/2017, Shri Rajaguru Gnana Jagruthi® in association with Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Mysore Urban Division, Mahajan College students, organized water pollution prevention and cleaning campaign at Govt. High school in Varuna Hobali. Eco Jatha was held along with the students, ending the Sabha program at the school in Varakodu village. The students marched to the streets of Varakodu village with a band and shouted slogans about environmental protection. About 300 children participated in the Jatha. The villagers also participated very enthusiastically.
The dirt, which had been raised in lake water was cleaned. There were 20 steps in the lake, and the moss was cleaned. The garbage in the stairs was cleaned up as it would get into the lake when it rains. The garbage around the welfare was also cleaned up. Then collected all the waste material scientifically: in the carriages. Also, students planted 200 plants around Kalyani. The Mahajana NSS camp’s children and govt. high school students participated enthusiastically and made the program a great success. All the children who participated were honored by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board's Regional Office Officers signature role.